It seems that I should be a professional by now at moving,
as I’ve gone through the process enough times by now. Yet no matter how
accustomed I believe myself to be to the transition process and all the little
details that go with it, there are always a few things I forget, something that
surprises me or that sense of déjà
vu when I realize the exact same thing happened on the previous move.
We learned to pack for a few months on our previous two
moves. The shipment with our belongings would have been delivered a month
later, but as we were still in temporary housing and didn’t want to have to
move all our belongings an additional time, we requested for the shipment to be
stored until we found a more permanent home. In France Lauris managed to
outgrow almost every single article of clothing I had packed during those six
months we waited on our apartment, and I had to buy a winter coat as I somehow
ended up in Clermont-Ferrand with nothing warmer than a fleece during the
winter months. Before that, when we moved to South Carolina the first time, we
made quite a few purchases for the temporary apartment as we searched for a
house and awaited our belongings. So before the move I sent Roberts ahead with
a few extra suitcases that then awaited us here, and although we might end up not
using some of the things packed within them, we have had very little that we
miss from the container that is currently somewhere on the Atlantic.
Here is a list of things to remember when making your big
For the kids:
Clothes a few sizes
larger and for different seasons. Children’s clothes are expensive, as are
shoes and coats. We learned the hard way on our last move, and this time we are
prepared for autumn and for Mikus outgrowing his 9-12 month clothes at 7
Toys: We packed
Lauris’s backpack and the diaper bag with a few toys for the plane ride, but
one of the suitcases we sent ahead of time was packed with toys, including a
blow up play area for Mikus so I would have a place to put him down while he is
learning to sit, and a doorway swing so that I can get things done. Soon he
will have outgrown both, but we’ve gotten plenty of use out of both and they
took up relatively little space. And for Lauris, having a multitude of cars,
trains, puzzles and books has been wonderful, as it’s hot outside, so we’ve
spent too much time in this apartment.
Extra sippy cups,
plastic plates and utensils: Bringing these things has given Lauris a sense
of continuity during the transition, and they really don’t take up that much
space or weigh that much in your luggage. The apartment here had nothing suitable
for a toddler or baby other than a travel bed for Mikus, so the dishes are used
every day.
For the kitchen: (and these are some things that I wish I had brought on the previous
three moves!
Kitchen knives:
The temporary apartments we have stayed in have been furnished, and although it’s
great that we don’t have to lug sheets, towels and plates in our carry-on
luggage, some things just aren’t functional. Currently I’m using two Swiss army
knives to cut everything from fruit and vegetables to meat and potatoes.
Measuring cup and
spoons: They don’t take up a lot of space, and especially if you are
switching countries (and therefore going from metric to feet) you might want
them for your favorite recipes. Plus, the cup can always find a different use
if the temporary apartment has one, for example it can be a sugar cup, or a
vase, or even a bath toy for les petites.
Wooden spoon and a
good spatula: If you’re planning on taking advantage of being in transition
to frequently eat out, I wouldn’t worry as much about the kitchen stuff.
However, with all the things to do during the day I would rather eat a nice
dinner at home, and so we are cooking up some typical American comfort food in
the evenings as a “welcome back to the US” (where you can buy things like mac
and cheese, hot dogs, peanut butter and waffles!!!). I’m finding the pots here
completely adequate, but the plastic spoons and spatulas have already failed. I
remember the same thing happening in Clermont-Ferrand when we moved there, and
I wish I had thought to pack a few more things for the kitchen, just to make
life in transition a little bit easier.
Improvisation is key! No cookie rack, no problem! (Rack from oven) |
For us:
An external hard
drive: On our previous moves we’ve taken only laptops in our baggage, with
a few jump drives that have files we think we’ll need on them. This time we
took our external hard drive as well, and the access to all those documents
that you didn’t think you would need has been great. The old spreadsheet that
has those addresses I was looking for, the photographs from a few years back
that I wanted for a blog post, and best of all, it serves as one more back-up
in case something happens to the actual hard drive on the way across the ocean. This is the model we have that has served us well:
All those electronics
accessories: We’ve gotten somewhat used to carting around all our charging
cords and memory sticks when we travel, but there are a few things definitely
to be remembered to pack in your luggage, such as rechargeable batteries and
charger, SD card reader, voltage adapters if you’re traveling overseas. I have
a European voltage plug and an American plug for my iPad, and luckily I located
the American plug and packed that, along with the correct camera battery
Off-season items of
clothing: Although I tried to think in layers when packing my suitcase, I
was ill-prepared for a winter in France on a previous move. This time we sent
ahead winter coats, hats and gloves, just in case. Although I really, really
hope we’ve found our permanent lodging by wintertime!
Maps, language
dictionaries, paperwork: Depending on where you are relocating, remember to
take any books or maps that will help you with the local terrain. Whether
simply a road map or maybe you are moving overseas and you need help with
translation, the best resources are those that are available and easy to use.
And second copies of all paperwork come in handy when things have been lost in
the mail, lost in translation or simply lost. We traveled with medical records,
birth certificates and translations of birth certificates in addition to our
passports, driver’s license and other official paperwork. I also made sure to
pack things like my American checkbook, store loyalty cards and some American
Fresh flowers make me happy! Notice the blender vase... |
I asked my husband what/if anything I should add to the
list. To sum up his response (and I believe he’s currently reading a WWII
memoir): the immediate concerns during D-Day (after survival) were 1) to set up
communications, 2) transportation inland and the 3) strategy/destination.
Should I be concerned he was comparing our move to a wartime invasion?
Sooooo…. (and hubby, please correct me if I’ve translated
this wrong!)
Communication: Keep
your mobile handy. We had a charged trac-phone waiting for us, as our French
cellphones don’t work in the US. A trac-phone is a great alternative to
immediately signing a cellphone plan, as it is a small initial investment and
you can buy additional minutes as needed.
Have arrangements made to ensure you are mobile, a rental or borrowed car and a
map if needed. If you do have a smart phone and access to mapping software and yellow
pages, great, if not be prepared for possible snags with back-up plans.
Lay your groundwork previous to travel. Establish contacts that can help with
anything from making a few phone calls for you or restaurant recommendations,
to inviting you over for dinner or watching the children while you search for
houses with a realtor. Transition can be unpleasant, but it doesn’t have to be.
With proper preparations and planning it’s easy to make your temporary lodgings
a home until you find a more permanent one.