Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1st

This morning we took a stroll to the marché aux puces, and in addition to half dozen paperback novels (in English!!!) we also brought home a bouquet of lily of the valley. In Latvian they are called maijpulkstenīši (literally May clocks) and in French, muguets, but they are symbols of spring in all three cultures. Usually there are flower vendors selling homegrown flowers at the marché, but the difference today was in the sheer volume of the flowers present. It seemed that every person leaving had a bouquet in hand, and unknowingly we followed the tradition of May 1st by bringing one home ourselves. Their beautiful smell has now filled the room, and it brings back memories of my great-grandfather who once gave me a gift of lily of the valley perfume when I was a little girl.

A very nice description of the muguet tradition can be found here.


  1. Buying books and magazines here that are in English always makes me smile!

  2. And it was that much better because during all our past visits we have always kept our eyes open for them but never seen any, and this time I wasn't looking for them... Isn't that how it always goes? Maybe I should "stop looking" for that Louis XV armoire.

  3. Es tieši iedomājos to pašu atmiņu par tavām maijpulkstenīšu smaržām no vecpapiņa - es vienmēr biju tik greizsirdīga! Bet arī iedomājos kā mēs skrējām uz vecmammas dārzu apskatīties kā zied pirmie ziedi pavasarī! Un tad arī skatījāmies ceriņus un meklējām pieclapiņu ziedus, ko apēst laimei!

  4. Latviešu "four-leaf-clover" = pieclapiņu ceriņu ziediņš!


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