David Lebovitz has an ipad app now, but this website has some great recipes, and advice about ingredients and cooking in France
Guaranteed to make me laugh in every post, Sara in Le Petit Village blogs about her life in Provence
Aiden at Conjugating Irregular Verbs, has great recipes amidst the anecdotes and stories of life in south France
365 Things That I Love About France is a great blog about France, and the supernatural
The International Women's Club of the Auvergne page:

And a few expat-related blogs:
Tallulah at Bilingual Babes is tackling the raising of multilingual kids. In their household they speak English, French and Twi (spoken in Ghana). Plenty of great links and advice.
The US and Europe: Cliché Busters and Discussion
Maria over at I was an Expat Wife
7447 Miles to the Son - the story of some friends of ours who are adopting a baby boy from Ethiopia
Ariana at And Here We Are was born in the Philippines and after a stint in Oregon is chronicling her experience of living in England.
The Chicago Bucket List - being from Chicago I have a soft spot for this blog that is reporting on all the must-visit spots in the city
il giovane holden - our friends from Greenville are abroad in Italy and making the most of their time there!
Polonica: Home Again - After 21 years in Canada, Zosia is back in Poland and sharing her experience with this lovely blog
And a few mommy blogs:
Pregnant chicken
Rants from Mommyland