went on an awesome hike. (Which means this is a long
post, but I had a lot I wanted to say, and a bunch of pictures!)
this one isn’t for everyone. It was listed as 5 miles round-trip (and some
websites had it listed as only 3.4!), but I suspect it was closer to 6 with the extra
bit from the parking area and the side-excursion down to the creek. Also, it
was steep. Our boys are troopers, and all three turned into a whining mess of “carry
me” before we even got to the turn-around point, not even talking about the
return trip. We couldn’t stop for too long in most places, as the mosquitoes liked
the moist gorge habitat, and the official trail only leads to a lookout – we had
to take unofficial (and crazy steep) side trails to get down to the creek.
this hike was magical. Even Roberts said “this is one of my all-time favorites.”
Coming from him (unprompted) it’s like winning the hike-planning lottery. And, I’m
pretty sure you haven’t heard of the place before - it's an off-the-radar place.
year around this time Horsepasture Rd. starts seeing an increase in traffic of
folks looking to get out to Jumping Off Rock to take in the views of Lake Jocassee as the leaves are turning. If you’ve ever been out that way, you’ll
remember the last 8 miles to get there are on a gravel,
barely-wide-enough-to-pass, winding mountain road. But you’ll also have passed
right by the trailhead to the place I’m talking about… The Narrows*.
The info kiosk in the Horsepasture Rd. parking lot |
Rocky Bottom, SC you head north on Highway 178 until you cross the bridge, and
then make a left on Horsepasture Rd. taking the right fork (going uphill, not
along the river). In about ¼ mile you’ll see the parking area for the Foothills
Trail on your left; this is where you park. You’re now officially in the Jim Timmerman Natural Resources Area at
Jocassee Gorges, often just called Jocassee Gorges. From here you’ll proceed
(on foot) another ¼ mile up Horespasture Rd. past an access point to a spur for
the Foothills Trail (Oconee SP only 61.7 miles away!), to the red gate on your left.
we had navigated around the gate we followed the road marked with yellow blazes
(and signs) to the border of the Eastatoe Creek Heritage Preserve. The 373-acre
tract encompasses a portion of the Eastatoe drainage along Narrow Ridge
including “The Narrows,” our destination.
first ½ mile after the red gate is an uphill climb, followed by about a mile of
gently down-sloping trail. During this time the trail is following the old
roadbed, and it’s easy hiking through a beautiful forest of wild hydrangea,
towering oaks, hickories and tulip poplars, rhododendron and mountain laurel in
the understory. There is a steep drop-off on the creek-side of the trail, and
in spots we could catch a glimpse of Horse Mountain. The forest was alive:
turkeys calling, acorns dropping, and the distant sound of water rushing
through the Narrows. The smell of wild grape was intoxicating, and I wondered if
it was a bumper crop, or if there is such abundance every year. We saw
persimmons, berries and acorns, wow, there were so many acorns! Considering it was the tail end of summer, I
was also surprised at the number of flowers blooming; lobelia and oxeye sunflowers joined the very first signs of autumn for vivid splashes of color that
included bright red black tupelo leaves and the pink and orange seeds of the
strawberry bush plant.
the seeds of the strawberry bush plant |
dozen feet the boys found something else to inspect: brightly colored beetles,
perfectly cubical pieces of quartz, a toad, a daddy longlegs, “the biggest
acorn ever!”… We let them take their
time, because we knew that the stretch of trail coming up would prove a
challenge. About 1 ½ miles from the red gate the trail makes a hard left down
into the gorge, and here the going gets steep. The drop down is made easier by
well-constructed trail, switchbacks to ease the descent, and stairs &
bridges where needed. However, it was still hard for the kids; Vilis was in the
carrier (protesting the entire time) and Mikus and Vilis holding our hands for
a good portion of the descent.
It got
noticeably more humid, and although I’m unsure if the South Carolina portion of
the Jocassee Gorges is technically part of the Appalachian temperate rainforest,
it sure felt it! The forest here was magical, old growth hemlock and giant
ferns, and it was immediately clear how the Jocassee Gorges had made National
Geographic’s list “50 of the World’s Last Great Places.”
in the gorge we came to a fork in the trail. To the left are campsites (currently
closed) and Eastatoe creek access, popular with fisherman due to the naturally-occurring
rainbow trout, while to the right is the overlook of the creek emerging from
the “Narrows.” In the span of this section, the stream will have dropped some
600 feet in elevation through a narrow channel very aptly named, generating the
mist which helps maintain high humidity along the Eastatoe and enables three
species of rare ferns to thrive in the Preserve.
view from the overlook |
took a breather at the overlook. It’s a fantastic sight, all that water gushing
through a channel that can’t be more than 3-4 feet wide! There’s evidence of
people going around the overlook to try to descend for a closer view, but don’t
be fooled! It’s a cliff on two sides, and there’s no access to the water at
this point!
retraced our steps toward the fork and took an unofficial trail (to the left) down
a draw instead. The stream descends swiftly even after emerging from the
Narrows, but thanks to the low water level we found a safe spot for the boys to
explore while we took in the view. I made my way upstream, crossing the creek
and carefully making my way on the opposite bank for a closer look at what is
simply an awesome geological formation. The channel of the Narrows is
incredibly deep, and even the wide pool at the base of the chute is rather deep
with a wicked current. And this is at the end of summer, several months without
a good rain!
could go on and on… How I saw trout swimming against the current at the base of
a small waterfall while the boys walked on water above, how every now and again
a shower of leaves would rain down upon us, the shadows bouncing off the canyon
walls, how the cool air was swept along with the water and made me dizzy with
wanting to breathe it all in… However both Roberts and I realized the
implications of being down in the gorge – we would have to make our way back
repacked all the backpacks to lighten the boys’ load we started back up. I won’t
write about this part other to say it was hard. We distracted, we bribed, and
we took frequent breaks to eat candy. And we climbed out of the Eastatoe gorge
and emerged at the trailhead tired and sore, but with one heck of a hike under
our belts.
Jack-in-the-pulpit berries |
I can’t
remember a single time when I was this unsure about writing a blog post about
one of our adventures. It’s selfish – unreasonably, I feel that if I share the
location with my readers, there will be no room for us next time we go. It’s
out of fear – this is such a biologically and geologically unique(and
sensitive!) area, I don’t know of any other place in the Upstate that is similar
and I hate the thought of seeing the damage that has been wrought on many other
popular spots take place there. And it’s out of anger – I watch videos like the one out of Oregon and wonder how many vandals it would take until every last
one of the beautiful places in our area are destroyed.
Lobelia |
But in
the end, I decided I have to write about it. My goal with posts about our
favorite hikes and waterfalls is to share them with others. I want everyone to
get off their couch and get out into the fresh air, to feel the magic we found,
and to realize that it isn’t just Alaska, Arizona or Hawaii with the incredible
natural places – we’ve got them right here in the Upstate.
Oxeye sunflowers |
having said that, I hope you make the hike, and I hope you enjoy it! To break
it down, it’s an hour drive from Greenville and we spent 5+ hours hiking and
resting at the creek. The sign at the Foothills Trail connecter says 2.7 miles
to Eastatoe Gorge, so that’s 5.4 total +the additional 0.3 or from this point
to parking lot and back, and 0.2 to descend to the creek. It is NOT 1.7 miles
as stated on several hiking websites, a fact easily checked through a look at
google maps. Beware of poison ivy, mosquitoes, and chiggers, the aftermath of
which still itches as I write this post. Finally, be prepared for one
of the most intriguing hikes you’ll ever go on in the Upstate… See you on the
* This hike is featured in the book South Carolina Nature Viewing Guide: Your guide to more than ninety of the best and most easily accessible nature viewing sites in South Carolina by Patricia L. Jerman.
en route to the Narrows we passed this field of sun |