Saturday, August 31, 2013

Circle of Moms Top 25 Southern Moms

Happy Labor Day weekend!!!
This time last year we had just returned from a trip to Utah, where I crossed off a lifelong wish to see Arches National Park. Soon after we were back in Gaŗezers for a last hurrah of the summer, and then it was back to house-hunting in South Carolina. It was a time of readjustment and reverse culture shock, and looking back on those hot and humid days spent in temporary housing I swallow hard, reminded of all I have to be grateful for. Although our time in France ended much too quickly, we gained so much from our experiences and adventures there. In addition, it was moving to Clermont-Ferrand that brought about this blog!
Hardly even a year into our expatriate journey Femme au Foyer was nominated as a Circle of Mom’s Top 25 Expat Mom Blog. If you look over to the right side of my blog, a little ways down you’ll find a “Circle of Moms Favorite” badge, which is just one more memory of the years in France – and a reminder of all the readers that cared enough to vote, to get this blog to #4 on the list. Best of all, I made several new blogging acquaintances, including Ariana at And Here We Are and Aidan at Conjugating Irregular Verbs - whom I still follow.

Circle of Moms Top 25 Southern Moms - 2013 - Vote for me!
Once again I’ve been nominated for a Circle of Moms Top 25 blogger, this time in the Southern mom category. If I could ask a favor from y’all, and to click over and vote for me? These first days I’m still listed under the “Pending Approval” tab, but all you have to do is find my blog and click on the red heart next to it. There is no signing in, no registration, only a few clicks. It would mean a lot to me to make the Top 25, and I’ll tell you why. First off, I look forward to checking out the other blogs and meeting some new bloggers from down South, and second, my competitive streak has kicked in. But most of all I look at this as an opportunity for some closure; no longer am I an expat mom blogger, and since I’ve been struggling a little with finding a purpose to keep writing, this recognition would give me a renewed sense of purpose to keep searching for my niche.
Thank you for each and every vote, comment and email. I wish all of you, whether French and expat friends from our time overseas, Latvian readers here and abroad, Americans, Brits, Aussies… all of the readers who drop in now and again, a wonderful Labor Day and last days of summer.
PS Please remember to enter the giveaway! Bonne chance!


  1. You've definitely got my daily vote, Liene! Good luck!

    1. Thanks Ariana. Thanks to all your votes I reached 4th place... the same place I won in the expat mom blogger category! It's a very nice feeling.

  2. How exciting! You definitely deserve the recognition.

    1. Thanks for your vote of confidence! Since there is no prize other than the recognition and "flare," all the kind comments and words of support really mean the most to me. Merci!
