Friday, August 30, 2013

My cousin, the entrepreneur! {giveaway}

A new store opened up in December of last year in my hometown, Local Goods Chicago. They sell goods made by over 75 local artisans, teach classes to the community and have a coffee shop inside. This past June they accepted a new consignor… my cousin!
In honor of her first business I am hosting a giveaway of one of her products, a gift-set of three dishcloths. Our first AnnelÄ« original was a housewarming gift on their visit just before Lauris was born. We have used nothing else since, even stocking up for our overseas assignment, and they are fantastic. Bold colors brighten up my kitchen, the durable materials stand up to daily use, and they are ‘green’ – instead of having to throw it out like you would a sponge, I just toss it in the wash with my dish towels.

To those of you in Chicago, I urge you to stop by Local Goods Chicago! Check out the lovely (yet functional) dishcloths and finger puppets made by a 14 year old local artist, browse the art gallery or have a cup of coffee, and then let me know what you thought of it, as I haven’t had the chance to stop in just yet! And to those not in Chicago, you can always visit the facebook page or website.

In order to have a chance to win a set of AnnelÄ«’s creations, please either leave a comment on this blog post (and if it is anonymous please leave me a way to contact you) or send me an email before Friday, September 6th, 2013. To those reading in France, Latvia and elsewhere outside of the US, feel free to enter. Duplicate entries will be discarded, and I will not be held responsible for anything damaged/lost in the mail. One winner will be selected at random by pulling a name out of a hat (or maybe a box or a bag, we’ll see how the day goes). I have received no compensation for this post, and the winner will be contacted for their mailing address soon after the giveaway closes.
I wish my beautiful, talented cousin much success with her business!


  1. I'm not entering to win, but to talk up the dish cloths - all natural cotton (ecofriendly), durable (mine have been washing dishes for at least 4 years, innumerable washes, still intact and very functional), don't smell like sponges or commercial cloths, can scrub or be gentle on dishes, and look great while doing it! Definitely on my "best" list of things I use daily...

  2. Please enter me in the giveaway. Her work sounds intriguing and worth trying out. -Laura S.

  3. Yeah, I am entering, I remember seeing these in your kitchen.

    Quite intrigued, will go and check it her page now :-)

  4. I see you fixed the date :) I am always happy to win free things. Next time I am in that part of Chicago I'll have to stop by the shop.

  5. Does the signature "G.A.I.Z." count as FOUR entries or ONE??? :-)


    1. Sorry guys, one comment, one entry :) Maybe next time! (Although maybe we know what you'll be getting for Christmas this year...)

  6. How lovely! Apart from being useful, they are also such pretty, unique things to use in the kitchen. Congrats to your cousin on making a business out of these little creations!

  7. Looks so nice!!! But of course I am late for giveaway!:) Need to look closer and probably it is not so hard to make myself!:)
