Friday, July 26, 2013

Summer is for kids!

We received a package in the mail from Congaree National Park, which we visited a few months ago on our way home from Charleston. The deluge kept us from hiking the boardwalk trail that day, but we obtained a Junior Ranger booklet to complete at our convenience. Lauris and Mikus took turns coloring and drawing animals, and I worked with Lauris on some of the more difficult activities; when we had finished all we could I sent a copy in. What was in the package? Both boys are now proud owners of Congaree Junior Ranger badges.

We were lucky enough to buy one of Greenville Drive’s “Playcation" packages, a family-friendly bundle that includes 4 tickets to a Drive baseball game, the Greenville Zoo, The Children’s Museum of the Upstate and a Greenville Rec waterpark all for only $35. I will admit that I missed the advance sale, and therefore stood in line for over an hour with the boys to nab ours. On the other hand, the game that night against the Asheville Tourists was rained out, and so Roberts and Lauris have their pick of which game they want to attend.

Luckily we were closer to the front of the line...
On Saturday we tried out the Greenville Rec’s Otter Creek waterpark with our Playcation passes, and although crowded it was a hit with the boys. Lauris refuses to cut off the wristband, and asks to go back at least twice a day. The splash pad and “zero-depth entry pool” were appropriate for both kids, while the tube slide and tadpole slide were more for Lauris (and on the tube slide mom or dad had to go with). Once they’re older I’m sure the two body slides will be the favorites. Note to self: arrive as early as possible to beat the heat (and the crowds), bring snacks as to avoid the expensive concessions and nab seating in the shade, making that your central location to store stuff, relax and take breaks.

Zero depth entry pool, my boys tubing the blue slide and cooling off in the pool
I’m very proud of both boys, Lauris especially, for completing the Greenville library’s summer reading program. Lauris read (with a little help from parents) over 60 books to receive his prize, and together with mom & dad Mikus finished his early literacy checklist to get a free board book. On our stop at the library to pick up the prizes we found this yarn-bombed bicycle, to match the theme of “Books and Bikes Summer Reading 2013.”

At another Greenville library program we heard a concert from Roger Day. With popular tunes such as “It’s a no no to kiss a Rhino” and “Ghost Crab” he’s found a fan in mom, too. Educational, environmentally sound yet still catchy – and he was kind enough to autograph a sticker for Lauris to put in his sticker book.

Sunday we made a trip to a co-workers home in Woodruff to help with the veggie harvest while they’re out of town. The heat was oppressive, but we managed to gather enough to last us for the week. In addition to the exploring the garden, the boys insisted on petting the horses, watching the goats, meeting the two dogs and checking out the chickens, ducks and geese; sometimes I wish for a home in the country. Thanks to Jack for all the veggies and a super-fun Sunday!

Afterwards we visited the last of the parks on our list for the Annual Park Hop Scavenger Hunt. A quick reminder to send in your sheet or fill out the online questionnaire before August 9th, and the closing celebration will be held at Conestee Park on Wednesday August 14th. In addition to a scavenger hunt there will be a short ceremony and prize drawings will be announced – see you there!

P.S. Creating Artists for Tomorrow, the local art studio we go to for "table time" is having their annual Living Social deal right now; the 10 and 3 visit passes are half price. Table time is ideal for children ages two and up, although Mikus has been attending since we moved back to Greenville. For those who have not yet tried the art sessions, this is the perfect time!

P.P.S. Now that the construction on Main St. is winding down, the Mice on Main are all back in the game. For the clues to help find Marvin and Marcley, the two mice who have been relocated to new homes, please visit the Greenville Mice on Main scavenger hunt page.


  1. Sometimes I wish for the house in countryside, too, but then again- probably it could be too much for all of us. I think - it is good how it is!:)
    Right now I would like to be in your pool and enjoy water, sun and slides. I can imagine how boys loved it!

  2. Labdien family days for you all! That yarn bombed bicycle looks pretty cool!
