Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Pâques en Ohio

During Easter in Ohio we got to meet the newest addition to the family, Annalija. Her parents managed to visit us before she was born, and good thing because they are going to be super busy with this gorgeous little girl!

Congratulations guys, she’s perfect. Especially since she smiles for tante Liene! Enjoy your time with her while she’s still a newborn, before you know it she’ll be the one hiding under the coffee table with her Easter basket and empty candy wrappers scattered about, not my Lauris…

Mikus was too busy charming everyone to eat any chocolates. He had grandma wrapped around his little finger.

We also managed to take a family picture where every single member is actually looking at the camera. The odds of this happening again in the near future are slim to not-gonna-happen.

To our hosts, thank you for having us! Can’t wait until the next party!


  1. Your niece is super adorable, love her smile! Where in Ohio? We are in Columbus. It would have been funny if you were right here in my hometown and I didn't even know. Sounds like your Easter weekend was nice. I'm glad!

    1. Nope, not Columbus. It was college life that brought me there last time, and although I know it is a beautiful city, I admit I have not done much sightseeing. Hope your Easter was fantastic, I'm waiting on some big news on your blog ;)

  2. Bonjour Liene. Love the family picture. Your kids may be a handful, but they are très mignons aussi! Take care, Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

    1. Merci! And bon courage to you, my friend!

  3. Your boys have grown! Looks like the kids are having fun collecting eggs and the baby girl is so sweet and what a stylish hat she is wearing.
