Sunday, December 15, 2019

Baltic Christmas Day 15 - Piparkūku Pulvertornis!

On Day 15 of 24 Days of a Baltic Christmas, may I present....

(drumroll please)

... Piparkūku Pulvertornis!

The Christmas section of every store has gingerbread house kits for sale, I propose a Piparkūku Pulvertornis kit in every Rimi and Maxima!

We have been baking up a storm, trying to use up all the piparkūkas dough; I made somewhere around 6 pounds, and then my mother gave me another 5 just in case my homemade dough remained super-sticky. However, the magic of the season accompanied her dough, and now we are working on baking twice the amount I had originally planned. Nothing wrong with 2x the piparkūkas, I suppose.

Wishing 24 Days of a Baltic Christmas readers a happy 3rd Advent, and please join us tomorrow for a fermented Baltic beverage!

1 comment:

  1. Next in the series - St. Peter's Church? Or the Central Market? Or something humble, a "rija" (threshing barn, or drying house) perhaps?
