Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A plethora of family on Christmas day

My husband’s parents and siblings made the trip to celebrate Christmas with us this year. We were grateful not to have to pack Christmas into the trunk of our car as we have done so many times in the past... I loved being able to enjoy our tree on Christmas morning, the comforts of my kitchen and home in which to cook, wrap presents and enjoy the festivities.

We took a family portrait which (surprisingly) everyone mostly cooperated for. We ate meals together, as a family, squeezed in around our tiny table. We opened presents, ate copious amounts of piparkūkas, sang Christmas carols and played football in the backyard. The grandparents took long walks, enjoying Greenville and our neighborhood. The cousins took Lauris and Mikus into their fold and spent hours around the train table, playing in the boys’ room and sharing new toys. There was plenty of time sans kids to spend creating in the kitchen, and even a few minutes of rest for me. It has been a jam-packed, food-filled, loud and boisterous three days, and there is more to come…


  1. Merry christmas Liene! This does sound divine--we jammed three Christmases into 36 hours (one of town, none at our house) and we're all a little beat. Hope your kids had a magical holiday.

  2. What a wonderful family photo! Priecigus svetkus jums visiem!!

  3. Merry Christmas! So glad you could have your family together!

  4. Happy New Year to you and yours, Liene!
    I love this photo. You will always remember the good times spent together as a family when you look at it.
    As a side note, your family could be French: Nobody is grinning "American style!" :-) -- Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
