Saturday, September 7, 2013

Indie Craft Parade's in Greenville and a big THANKS!

A heartfelt thank you to all those that voted me and my blog to #4 on the Circle of Moms “Top 25 Southern mom blogger” list. With a very short voting period (as I only found out about the nomination with less than a week left in the contest) that included Labor Day weekend when everyone is out having adventures or busy watching football (and not stuck in front of a computer!), I was astounded at the support I received, and am immensely grateful for not only your votes but your kind comments and words of encouragement.
To those asking “what did you win?” – well, that new badge on the right side of the screen is about the only tangible thing…. But really, the competition once more has provided inspiration to keep blogging at a time I’m feeling confusion as to where this blog is headed, as I initially started it as an expatriate diary in France. Add to that all the new blogs to explore and local bloggers to meet, and that’s what makes the effort worth it. I hope you’ll check out not only my interview with Circle of Moms, but also the list of the South’s Top 25 Mom Bloggers!

More congratulations are in order… Last week I announced the first ever giveaway on Femme au Foyer, a handmade assortment of beautiful dishcloths, made by my very talented cousin Annelī. From all the entries I received Lauris pulled one name out of the hat. The lucky winner is Tim! Thank you to all those who entered, and maybe it’ll be your name pulled next time!

It’s a big weekend here in Greenville; not only has school restarted but it’s the 4th annual Indie Craft Parade. A festival designed especially for Greenville to showcase local artists and craftsmen, this juried crafts fair will be running today and tomorrow in the historic Huguenot Mill at the Peace Center, located at 101 W. Broad Street in downtown Greenville. It is a free festival and the hours are 9am to 6pm today, 11am to 5pm tomorrow. I attended the first ever ICP in 2010, and having missed the last two (we were living in France) I’m looking forward to stopping by, especially since I enjoyed the very similar Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago so much.

Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope to see you at the Indie Craft Parade!




  1. Wow LIene how cool is that No 4....Congratulations, that's wonderful!!!

  2. Yeah there are two winners today. You and me. Congratulations on being #4.

    The dish towels couldn't come at a more useful time. I blogged about a month ago that I got a free clothes washer from a friend. Well you get what you pay for. It broke after about six washes. Not only did it cause a miner flood but it put weird black stains on what I was washing. I had to throw out a couple of towels and most of my dish clothes .

  3. Congrats, Liene... I'm so proud of you.

    Sounds like you have a great week planned too... Hope this gorgeous weather stays nice for you.

    I don't participate in Giveaways any longer so please do not add me to your list. Thanks.


  4. Apsveicu Tevi, Liene, no sirds! Un prieks, ka varu lasīt Tavu blogu un ka joprojām priecājos, ka to atradu. :) Tu tiešām esi pelnījusi būt šajā sarakstā! Malacis! And keep blogging!:)Please!:)
