Friday, August 9, 2013

Last notes on Michigan

The last couple of days in Michigan went by far too quickly, and seemingly hundreds of goodbyes were said as we prepared to head back down South. As we are not sure when exactly we'll be back, bidding adieu to the grandparents was especially hard.

While in the car I though I heard Lauris say es mīlu tevi, mamma. When I replied in kind he said nē, es mīlu treileri, mamma!

He also loves several onkuļi and tantes, and has been talking nonstop about them since we've returned. You know who you are.

Mikus seems a little lost here at home. He keeps taking off to the bathroom in attempt to fill up the tub - I think he misses Long Lake the most.

The rain has followed us back again - or it never left. My cucumber harvest has intensified (if that's even possible), and the mosquitos are insufferable. At least in Michigan it cooled down after it rained...

To try and get over the post-Gaŗezers depression we are staying busy. Now, if I could just get motivated to do the laundry!

1 comment:

  1. Go for it! I mean, laundry!:) Is that motivating?:) I don't think that anything can help after such a nice holidays near lake!:)
