Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Kannika's Thai Kitchen, a new favorite!

There’s this Thai place in Chicago that was a family favorite for years, still is a family favorite as we often celebrate birthdays or graduations for which I’ve returned to my hometown. Opart Thai for me has set the bar on what Thai food should taste like, and I still find myself ordering chicken satay at every Thai place I have ever eaten as a first test; if the peanut sauce isn’t the real thing and the satay is tough, I go for the easy meals and avoid anything more complicated as I know it just won’t measure up.

Over the weekend we stayed busy running errands, and as it was approaching lunchtime Roberts commented on a Thai place in the strip mall across the street from the mall. Before we moved to France there was another Thai place in that spot, and if I remember correctly I had heard mixed reviews. As my husband does not often suggest restaurants my curiosity was aroused, and not long after we found ourselves in front of the unassuming storefront on Haywood Rd. Any doubt I had evaporated upon entering, as the interior of Kannika’s Thai Kitchen is lavishly decorated complete with a running-water piece and beautiful ornaments on the walls. Although the first real test (of satay) was yet to come, I was already impressed as we were efficiently seated in a great spot. A high chair was provided and glasses and knives removed from the kids’ places, which lets me know they are used to younger patrons and happy to have them. The trend continued, as the service was great throughout: never pushy, always polite and helpful.

The satay and peanut sauce passed with flying colors, served with the little bowl of cucumber salad as it should be. My husband ordered the pork Pad Thai, and I chose the garlic chicken (Pad Gr ate-um), and the servings were large enough that we had plenty to share with the boys and still had some to take home (which saves me from having to figure out dinner tonight, win!). I was impressed with my stir fry; the veggies were crisp, the beef tender (and fresh, not the usual cut you see in stir fry) and the sauce delicious. As my experience in other Thai places in Greenville has been of exquisite-smelling food that ends up being tough work to chew (and loses the taste before you can even swallow), I immediately knew we had found a new favorite Thai place without even trying Roberts’s noodles. And yes I eventually did, even though I’m not a Pad Thai fan, and they were delicious too! I can’t wait to try other dishes, such as the soups which have been getting good reviews on, or one of the house specialties… My Thai iced coffee was the perfect complement to the semi-spicy meal, and I really couldn’t have been more satisfied with the food, the service or the price.

Not long after, back at home base just in time for naps, dark clouds rolled in and thunder was soon booming overhead. We’ve not even crossed half the items off of our to-do list, but it has been a wonderfully productive, yet relaxing weekend. As the summer draws to a close we’ve quite a few activities planned for these last weeks of August, but judging from the super-satisfying meal we had at Kannika’s we’ll have to fit in another visit there as well.

Kannika's Thai Kitchen on Urbanspoon
* As of November, 2013 Kannika's has moved to a new location. They are now down the street at 430B Haywood Road, and although I wasn't as wowed by the interior as by their previous home, the food is still just as delicious!


  1. It's always excellent!

  2. Thai is definitely one of my favorite foods! I feel so lucky that I've discovered a good one in Toulon so whenever I'm down that way, I always eat there :)
