Friday, June 14, 2013

300th frog

This happens to be my 300th blog post, but I don’t have anything poignant or momentous to report. Instead, I have a frog.

We’ve had a tremendous couple of weeks; a business trip survived, a wedding, a 70th birthday party, plenty of family to spoil the boys and even some time in the sun and sand. The boys have been troopers throughout, and hopefully they’ll keep up the good work on the plane trip home today. Thanks to all those who have chauffeured us, fed us, housed and babysat us these past weeks, we’ll see y’all again soon!



  1. Congratulations! 300 Posts is huge. As is that Frog. Love it! Here's top the next 100 Posts. Have a lovely weekend! Mel x

  2. Love the frog. :)
    Congratulations on 300. It's awesome that you have such incredible documentation of all your family adventures. It will be so meaningful to your sons someday.

  3. I think the frog is grandmother frog from Elsa Beskow's book "The Curious Frog", which we read the day before! (Grandmother frog is VERY old and wrinkly, has magical powers and casts interesting, useful spells....

  4. Congratulation! Frog looks good, too!:)

  5. HUGE Congrats on 300 posts and cheers to 300 more!
