Sunday, April 22, 2012

Election day in France

It's Election Day here in France! The first round takes place today, as the French elections are a two-round system. If one candidate doesn't receive absolute majority in the first round, a second round is then held with only two of the candidates from the first (the two to receive the highest percentage of the vote). If necessary, the second round will be held May 6th.

For a quick overview of the nine candidates the incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy, is running against, I found the wikipedia entry for the 2012 elections to be informative. Although we are sitting this election out, I wish all my friends here in Clermont-Ferrand happy voting.

The mairie in Park MontJoly, in Chamalières

On a different note, Happy Earth day! The weather has started to once more warm up after a cold spell despite several April showers, and we've enjoyed enough sun to head to the park a couple of times this week. It is hard not to be in a bright, sunny mood when the tulips are blooming, the cherry trees afire, and that light green associated with spring evident everywhere. Before we know it summer wil be here!


  1. Yesterday (voting day) I had lunch with my in-laws and I thought it was fantastic because sitting around a table were five people, related, who all voted for a different candidate! Viva la difference! :)

  2. We are hearing so much about the French elections here, I can't even imagine how much you are hearing in France !

    Happy Earth Day! :)
