Saturday, December 14, 2019

Baltic Christmas Day 14 - Dainava, in concert

Today on Day 14 of 24 Days of a Baltic Christmas, an invitation! 

Kviečiame į Dainavos adventinį kalėdinį koncertą “Gimė mums žodis” kuriame šalia kitų kūrinių atliksime šią nuostabią adventinę grigalinę giesmę “Veni, Veni Emmanuel” (“Ateik, ateik Emanueli”). Įrašas iš Dainavos 2015 metų koncerto.

gruodžio 21 d., šeštadienį, 7 v.v.
Švč. Mergelės Marijos Gimimo bažnyčioje
6812 S. Washtenaw, Chicago, IL
Daugiau informacijos -

Koncerto metu bažnyčios aikštė ir visa apylinkė bus saugoma Illinois Homeland Security tarnybos.

Koncerto lankytojams bus galima veltui statyti mašinas Holy Cross Hospital (Švento Kryžiaus ligoninės) automobilių garaže (įvažiavimas iš 68-tos gatvės).

Dainava invites you to its Advent-Christmas concert “Gimė mums žodis” (To Us the Word Was Born). Among other pieces, they will perform a beautiful rendition of the traditional Gregorian chant Veni, Veni Emmanuel (O Come, O Come Emmanuel).

This video performance is from Dainava’s 2015 concert…

The concert is on Saturday, December 21 at 7pm at the Nativity B.V.M. Church: 6812 S. Washtenaw, Chicago, IL.

During the concert, the church square and the surrounding area will be guarded by Illinois Homeland Security, and parking will be free in the Holy Cross Hospital parking garage (68th Street entrance). For more information, please see their website.

We invite you to pause during your holiday preparations, and enjoy the tranquility of the season, as you listen to excerpts from the Holy Scripture & Lithuanian poetry, and await the Christmas miracle.

Thank you to Aida Gust for the information! I wish the distances weren’t so great and we could attend! Maybe Atlanta needs a concert choir?

Tomorrow on Day 15 of 24 Days of a Baltic Christmas, a piparkūkas experiment

1 comment:

  1. If we can still walk after the Christmas Market at the Latvian School, we will have to go!
