Thursday, June 20, 2019

Ten years

For the first time in the history of the blog, I am late with an anniversary post. However, I have a good excuse - Roberts and I were on our honeymoon! After the wedding there were so many friends and relatives in town that had traveled so far to celebrate with us, that we didn't want to leave; we spent a few days hanging out with everyone and enjoying it all. We put the honeymoon off, but as things tend to happen, a year later Lauris was born, then we moved to France, and in the blink of an eye ten years had passed. 

And so, we celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary and honeymoon all at once, last month, in Hawai'i! I'm only now sorting through photos from our week on the Big Island, so it might be a few weeks before you see a post. In the meantime, I would like to share this photo from the wedding - us with a few of our closest friends and family. 

How quickly the ten years have flown by, but how rich they have been. Daudz laimes kāzu jubilējā manam vīŗiņam! I think we make a great team. 

Now, to figure out where to go on our babymoon....

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