Saturday, December 8, 2018

Baltic Christmas Day 8 - On fairies, miniature mushrooms and Estonian Christmas!

Today, on Day 8 of 24 Days of a Baltic Christmas, I introduce you to Kristi and the cutest little miniature mushrooms!

Tere! I am Kristi O’Donnell, daughter of Estonian heritage.  As a little girl, I remember picking mushrooms in the forest with my vanaema, Aama.  My ema, Maimu, told stories of her youthful days in Estonia picking mushrooms and making earthen cakes decorated with wild flowers. At Christmastime, she would hang little mushrooms on our tree, knit mittens, and make pirukad and piparkoogid.

Years later, while visiting Estonia with my family for laulupidu, I met an older lady making fairy cups. She told me of the Estonian fairy, Haldjas. This led me to researching the fairies of Estonia.

I have combined my artistic love of sculpting, fairy tales and Estonian traditions by making miniature mushrooms for our Christmas trees. This year I participated in our local Makers Space featuring my festive toadstools, as pictured here.

Soon, I will be baking pirukad and piparkoogid, life long Estonian traditions, for family and friends!

Häid joule!

Kristi O'Donnell is an artist, musician and horticulturist living on Whidbey Island, WA. She loves the beautiful nature and fairies- all inspired by her rich heritage. For more on Kristi, her art and other pursuits, please visit her website,

Tomorrow on 24 Days of a Baltic Christmas an easy craft with starry results!

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